ONE interface for all your data and applications.
Secure your company’s position as market leader!
Be networked even faster!
ONE interface for all your data and applications.
Secure your company’s position as market leader!
Be networked even faster!
Harmonize and bring together this data with the LOGO X API platform
Fast, simple and efficient
Achieve the optimum of your digital value creation with your data WITHOUT consuming physical resources in the process
No more data islands
Ausgangslage: Unternehmen ist Ozean aus Unmengen interner und externer Daten in zahllosen Anwendungen unterschiedlichster Struktur, Größe und Komplexität.
Lösung: LOGO X-API!
Starting point:
Starting point :
Enterprise is an ocean of
vast amounts of internal and external data in countless applications of varying
structure, size and complexity.
Automatically generated API functions. Fast and secure. Higher performance due to significantly fewer round trips. Less effort in programming and configuration due to meta-functionalities – extended RESTFUL standard!
Success with a few steps
Step 1: Contact – First conversation with our experts!
Discover the limitless possibilities of our X-API platform!
Step 2: Testing and Deployment
Get started easily, quickly and uncomplicatedly with the LOGO X-API! Create smooth digital enhancements for your entire organization and network – in no time!
Step 3: Training/education
Learn necessary and important competencies through hands-on trainings with an experienced trainer.
Step 4: Support
Questions? Our specialists are also available to answer any questions you may have after the introduction.
First consultation with our experts! Discover the limitless possibilities of our X-API platform!
Get started easily, quickly and uncomplicatedly with the LOGO X-API! Create smooth digital enhancements for your entire organization and network - in no time!
Learn necessary and important competencies through hands-on trainings with an experienced trainer.
Questions? Our specialists are also available to answer any questions you may have after the introduction.
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