The topic of logistics CRM and the question „Do you see through your customers?“ were the focus of this year’s Logistics CRM Summit at the elegant Höhenried Castle on Lake Starnberg.
Customer Experience und Customer Centricity
Every company should create a positive „customer experience“ and concentrate on the customer in all its actions as a company through „customer centricity“. This is still uncharted territory for many logistics companies. But it is becoming increasingly important to keep an eye on customer satisfaction in the B2B sector as well. Because the competition never sleeps.
LOGO consult was able to show in expert presentations how a networked CRM, which can also evaluate data from other IT systems of the customer, can bring a great competitive advantage. Through a better understanding of the customer and the processes in the supply chain, the „true customer desire“ is recognised and one can act and negotiate accordingly.
Numerous guests gathered to listen to the interesting presentations and to network.
Meeting of the LOGO User Community
on the fringe of the Logistics CRM Summit
The LOGO User Community met in the morning. First, there was a brief insight into the further development of LOGO CRM in the past year.
Afterwards, the participants were invited to a think tank in which we called on them to develop new modules and functions for LOGO CRM from the perspective of users and management.
In the plenary, each group then presented their results and a lively discussion developed that extended into the break.
After the reception of the guests who had travelled to the Summit, the plenary met again in the well-filled hall of mirrors.
The Summit was introduced by a greeting from the BVL by regional group spokesperson Christian Schulz.
Afterwards, all participants were eager to hear the lectures and top-class speakers.
Prof. Dr. -Ing. Herbert Ruile,
President of the Swiss Logistics Network Association,
Professor of International Supply Chain Management,
Institut für Wirtschaftsinformatik Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz
„Market-oriented supply chain – marketing meets SCM“
Methods for analysing the supply chain with regard to „Lean“ and „Agile“ in the processes at the customers were presented. Companies are advised to take a close look at the supply chain, ideally per customer. The companies should analyse where the requirements of their customers can be assigned to the standard and where very special customer-specific processes have to be set up. Customer service and pricing can be planned much better this way.
If these methods are used, the overall understanding of the customer in the company increases and the customer recognises the customer-centred actions of the service provider. The result is customer centricity and a good customer experience.
During the lunch break, there were lively discussions between LOGO employees, customers, interested parties and consultants with a Mediterranean buffet, a view of the lake and sunshine. After the lunch break, the second lecture started.
Gunnar Stellmacher, Head of IT Emons Spedition & Logistik
„LOGO CRM at Emons – Optimised processes in logistics
between operations, sales and accounting“.
Mr. Stellmacher’s presentation began by showing the impressive development of Emons and how the logistics company has evolved from a family business run by two brothers into an important player in the European market.
Emons has been working with LOGO CRM for 12 years and the tool is firmly integrated into all processes. The good integration of LOGO CRM into Emons‘ IT landscape is remarkable. 6 different systems such as TMS, ERP, claims system, accounting etc. have been connected via interfaces. This means that employees and managers can read all relevant information on the customers they look after in the customer files without having to look in different systems or ask colleagues.
The process presented at the Logistics CRM Summit concerns the deposit of conditions in the CRM and the transmission of the data to the TMS and the billing department. Part of the process includes workflows that prevent outdated rates and conditions from being used for billing.
With improved communication between operations, sales and billing, billing runs smoothly and the customer is satisfied because the bills match the negotiated terms. So this kind of customer-centric action also brings advantages in the „customer experience“.
After a short coffee break, the last part of the Summit began with Mr. Mosch’s presentation:
Alexander Mosch Head of New Customer/Partner Sales Diamant Software
„Logistics Reporting Cockpit –
Accounting and sales in interaction“
In the last presentation, Alexander Mosch introduced a new development by Diamant and LOGO consult. The two companies have some common customers where the data from Diamant accounting is imported into the customer files in LOGO. A simple presentation and good visibility for sales and management prove to be a great advantage in customer relationship maintenance. For example, the sales staff can directly see how many invoices are still open with the customer who just wants to place another order. Or if the customer is marked as insolvent in the accounting department, this information is transferred to LOGO via the interface and one does not risk accepting an order for which one will never be paid.
Improved customer experience through intelligently networked CRM – we have used various examples to show how this can work and which processes can be optimised in the areas of customer care, customer service and sales.
The presentations at the Summit and the lively discussions around it left all participants with many ideas, suggestions and new contacts on their way home.