Why do we read so much about customer experience (CX) and what does it mean in logistics?
Imagine if you knew exactly what your customers need and what they expect from you. Could you then do better business? Could you adapt your services more precisely to the requirements of your market and work more economically? Would you be able to compete better with your competitors? Would you have a better chance of surviving the Covid crisis?
Read our blog “People at the centre – customer experience in logistics”.
LOGO consult AG and VNL Switzerland have set themselves the task of introducing logisticians to the topic of customer experience.
In a series of live webinars on the topic of customer experience in logistics, VNL Switzerland is exploring these questions together with LOGO consult AG. We talk to successful logisticians and learn about the importance of customer experience in their company and how they ensure that their customers have a close relationship with them.
At the same time, VNL Switzerland is conducting an online study together with the Logistikum in Zurich in which logisticians are asked about the importance of CX in their company. We also survey the market on strategies and budget for CX in the current year as well as in the future.
The results from the logistics sector are then compared with general surveys on CX in industry and trade. In the media, at logistics events and in conversations, the impression arises that CX is still treated very stepmotherly in logistics.
The VNL, the BVL and LOGO consult would like to know this more precisely and hope for many participants in the study.
BVL Logistics Blog: Survey on the importance of CX in logistics
Join in and contribute to a realistic picture! Click here for the study!
The current results of the study will be shown in each of the webinars and presented in detail at the Thinking Studio in September
When a company includes customer experience in its management strategy, it wants to become more successful with it.
The first live webinar took place on 27 April 2020 and was attended by numerous logisticians from Switzerland.
Professor Herbert Ruile presented the connections between good customer experience and optimised supply chain planning from a scientific perspective.
Afterwards, Dorothee Gabor spoke with Christoph Dietman Head of Corporate Sales at Schneider & Cie in Basel about how its sales organisation is set up, what relationship the salespeople have with the customers and how a logistics CRM helps them to become even better.
Christoph Dietmann Head of Corporate Sales Schneider + Cie. Basel
The third part of the live webinar presented the connections between Customer Experience, Customer Centricity, Customer Persona and Customer Journey to prepare the participants for the next parts of the series and the “Hands-On Thinking Workshop” in autumn.
When events are permitted again in September or October, the VNL plans to hold a think tank in Zurich, where participants will learn how to define customer personas or identify customer journeys using practical examples.