Picture of Dorothee Gabor - Managing Director Business Development

Dorothee Gabor - Managing Director Business Development

Logistics CRM Summit 2019

"Do you see through your customers?" - Ways to more insight and transparency.

Find out more at this year’s Logistics CRM Summit at castle Höhenried, how logisticians connect their IT systems to bring everything together and evaluate it in the CRM.

Let yourself be inspired by top-class presentations on how data integration can also mean a step forward in your company.

Talk to managing directors and sales managers who have been successful with interlocking systems for years.

As a member of BVL und VNL Switzerland we offer a forum where you can inform yourself about the topic of logistics CRM and exchange ideas.

Customer Centricity und Customer Experience

Buzzwords that you hear again and again. It used to be called „The customer at the centre“..

What does this have to do with logistics and with B2B business?

After a few good years, a change in the economy is becoming apparent.
Now customer loyalty and customer acquisition are gaining in value again.
Only those who act now will be able to hold their own in the European logistics market.
Customer-centred thinking and action have also arrived in logistics.

The CRM idea has always put needs and perception from the customer’s point of view right at the top.

To be able to act in a customer-centric way, you need a lot of information about your customers and prospects.
Hard to believe, but a lot of this information is already known in your company and a lot of it is already recorded in a structured way.

Curious now? Click here to register

As last year, the logistics CRM world meets in the beautiful Höhenried Castle on Lake Starnberg.

Around the lectures there will be opportunities for networking in inspiring surroundings.

Participation is free of charge.


The preliminary lecture programme:

Customer and market-oriented development of the supply chain – improvements to the requirements profile through adapted CRM


Prof. Dr. -Ing. Herbert Ruile, President of the Swiss Logistics Network Association, Professor of International Supply Chain Management, Institute for Business Informatics University of Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland


„Optimised processes in logistics between operational, sales and accounting“


Gunnar Stellmacher, Head of IT Emons Spedition & Logistik


Planned (Working title):

Integrated data landscape as data source for a logistics reporting cockpit – How data from TMS, accounting and sales can interact to fill an exciting management cockpit.

Alexander Mosch Head of New Customer/Partner Sales Diamant Software

Scheduled programme:

Logistics CRM Summit
1. Arrival of the guests, refreshments and snack 11:00- 12:00
2. Welcome and keynote LOGO 12:00-12:30
3. Lecture 1 12:45-13:15
4. Lunch and networking 13:30-14:30
5. Lecture2 14:30-15:00
6. Coffee break and networking 15:00-16:00
7. Lecture  3 16:15-16:45
8. Farewell to the guests 16:45-17:00

Free online consultation

Your advantages:
  • A fully personalized live demonstration
  • An interactive question and answer session
  • You will receive summarized material to discuss with your stakeholders