Logistics CRM must meet very specific requirements.
The two software houses dbh Logistics IT AG and LOGO consult AG understood this long ago and have been rooted in the logistics industry for decades.
The two companies have been linked by a sales partnership for several years. LOGO CRM, which has proven itself on the market for over 25 years, is offered in the dbh portfolio as dbh CRM.
There are different product lines appropriate for small, medium and large sales teams.
In addition, there is a compact version especially for smaller companies that do not have their own sales team but still want to map their customer communication and target customer processing in a structured way.
In this case, it is often the managing directors themselves who use the tool to maintain a better overview. And when the company grows, more branches are opened, more employees are added, it becomes crucial whether the structures for transparency and cooperation are in place. Companies can then easily switch from the Compact version to one of the more comprehensive versions or add individual modules.
dbh Compact CRM contains customer files with map view, customers in the vicinity, appointments, tasks, call reports and offers. dbh Compact CRM is connected to CargoOnline via the standard CRM interface, so that address, consignment and offer data are transferred from the TMS to the CRM. Duplicate entries are not necessary. Users can concentrate on creating call reports, making appointments with customers and prospects and storing all important sales-related information in the CRM database.
Gradually, further sales activities are undertaken and modules such as the Mailing Manager, Potentials, Customer Complaints, the Campaign Tool, Tender Management or Sales Controlling become interesting.
The number of modules grows with the requirements in the company, so that the CRM always fits the current sales team and its tasks.
At this year’s Transport and Logistics Days of dbh in Hamburg, Bremen and Frankfurt, two CRM projects will be presented. The managing directors of Brelog and transmaritim have agreed to report on the initial situation, the implementation phase and the effects achieved.
Are you a dbh customer? Then experience Logistics CRM at the dbh Transport and Logistics Days 2019.
Register for one of the events in September and take the opportunity to talk about your sales processes with users, consultants and Dorothee Gabor, Director of Business Development at LOGO consult AG.
You are not a dbh customer, but you are still interested in logistics CRM? Then there is the opportunity to get a picture of the possibilities of LOGO CRM at the Logistik CRM Summit on 2 October 2019 at Lake Starnberg.