The decisive factor was a logistics-specific plug-and-play solution that did not require a great deal of customisation on the part of the company and for which the implementation time was very short.
LOGO CRM is a plug-and-play solution that is quick and easy to implement, because LOGO CRM is logistics CRM
At the dbh Transport and Logistics Days in Hamburg and Bremen, Thorsten Dornia from Brelog presented the initial situation, considerations, implementation process, current status in the company and goals.
At the event at HOLM in Frankfurt, the participants learned how transmaritim approached the topic of CRM and why they chose LOGO CRM.
The starting situation for the companies was somewhat different. For years, transmaritim had a standard CRM as an isolated solution without connection to the operational system. This proved to be too extensive and too rigid for the company’s requirements. In an interim phase, transmaritim then worked with OneNote to summarise information on customers. However, evaluations or statistics were just as impossible as a quick overview of which employee had last spoken to a customer and who had made an appointment. transmaritim became aware of LOGO CRM a few years ago and got to know the business version. However, out of fear that it would again be an oversized tool for the company, they decided not to implement it.
LOGO CRM in combination with Cargo Online: filled with customer, shipment and offer data from day one
In 2018, LOGO consult launched a new product line in collaboration with dbh to provide a tool for companies without a dedicated sales team but with a strong customer focus. The LOGO Basis CRM (in dbh’s portfolio under the name dbh Compact CRM) contains the most important modules for everyday sales and is connected to CargoOnline via a standard XML interface.
In this way, consignment data, addresses, contacts and offers are transferred from the operational system. Double entry is not necessary. The visual processing of customer and shipment data in LOGO CRM provides management and sales with a quick overview of the shipment behaviour of all customers over 8 quarters. Thanks to the offer interface, all offers, whether created in LOGO or CargoOnline, are available in a list and can be filtered and sorted according to a wide range of criteria. For example, by relation, type of cargo, transport mode, franking or product.
The possibility of starting with a basic CRM convinced transmaritim. Gradually, more modules are added, but exactly as many as the transmaritim team needs at any given time. This way, the system is not overloaded and the employees quickly become familiar with the functions.
A tool for transparency and cooperation between departments and branches
The selection process at Brelog was similar. The company was founded in Bremen in 2010 and grew quickly. Soon it became confusing and the team urgently needed a tool for cooperation and transparency. Here, too, they started with the basic CRM and the standard interface to CargoOnline. Brelog CRM was already filled with customer and shipment data as well as offers from CargoOnline in the first training session.
In the workshop it became clear that the next higher product line “Sales-Force-Edition” was the right choice for Brelog. The module Potentials was added to this edition in order to be able to map the sales opportunities with existing and target customers in a structured way. Gradually, this was supplemented with further modules and today the employees have a well-rounded package of CRM functions adapted to their needs.
LOGO CRM grows with the companies and their requirements through modular structure and flexible concepts
In both companies, the management is looking ahead and sees further opportunities for the future, especially in the areas of strategy, marketing and reporting.
With LOGO PI, LOGO’s new evaluation tool and interactive dashboards, the data generated now will form the basis for strategic decisions in the future.