In sales, the focus was on logistics CRM processes. In the area of CRM, LOGO consult was asked for examples of customer implementations that connect the TMS and CRM in such a way that sales, operations and accounting benefit from it.
Logistics CRM Processes with LOGO CRM at the 2nd DVZ Conference
Together with Fr. Meyer’s Sohn, we had the pleasure of presenting a variant of the LOGO conversation report specially optimised for FMS at the DVZ conference, which particularly impressed the DVZ jury.
Data from the TMS is displayed in the conversation report to immediately show all readers what kind of company it is. Transport module, industry, supervisor, last appointment are displayed. If it is a customer, the conversation report contains profit and shipment figures for the last 2 years from the TMS. The employee is relieved because he no longer has to research and type in the information “on foot” and the quality of the data is indisputable. This is how employees and management benefit.
In addition, proactive information is sent to the departments concerned when the customer has certain requirements, so that cross-selling potentials and interest in value-added services do not run the risk of being lost in the daily sales routine. As soon as the employee has clicked on the services for which the customer has expressed interest in the conversation, the colleagues are informed and can contact the customer promptly. This also strengthens customer loyalty.
This is what Customer Centricity looks like!
DVZ has published a summary of logistics CRM processes with LOGO CRM here:
An entire process landscape has grown up around LOGO CRM in recent years. CRM as an isolated solution has had its day. With intelligent networking throughout the IT landscape, workflows can be optimised and processes improved. Read here what the LOGO process landscape looks like:
Read the DVZ article here: DVZ_2019_08 Speditionsmonitor Anbieterauswahl