Picture of Dorothee Gabor - Managing Director Business Development

Dorothee Gabor - Managing Director Business Development

Logistics CRM Summit – Sales processes at the highest level

Logistics CRM Summit - Sales processes at the highest level Castle Höhenried.

Discover with us the digitalisation of sales and customer service in logistics.

When? Thursday, 28 June 2018 from 12 – 4:30 p.m.

Be there, click here to register!

Where? Castle Höhenried http://www.schloss-hoehenried.de/

Castle of the clinic Höhenried / 82347 Bernried – Obb.

The event is free of charge, the number of participants is limited

Find out at this top-class event what logistics CRM can achieve:

Better customer retention, structured new customer acquisition and potential analysis, optimised sales processes, transparency and cooperation between operations and sales.

Experience what strategic and analytical CRM can look like in interaction with the operational data of your customers.

Hear practical reports from experienced CRM users from logistics.

Learn what customer-centric sales processes with CRM support can look like in a logistics company.

Learn about perspectives for your tender management and the optimisation of the associated processes.

Our motto for this year’s Logistics CRM Summit is

„Digitalisation in logistics also in sales processes“

Look forward to our keynote:

„The challenge of motivating employees? – Gamification!“

In addition, you can expect an exclusive exchange of project experiences with case studies and expert presentations.

Let our guest speakers inspire you:


Rainer Hoppe, Managing Partner, A’PARI Consulting GmbH

Logistics expert Rainer Hoppe is managing partner of A’PARI Consulting from Wiesbaden.
As a specialist for software selection, process and organisational improvements, he has been advising logistics service providers for around three decades.


„Process support in tender management – How „mature“ are your processes?“


Marc Pinheiro, Managing Director, M&M air sea cargo GmbH

Marc Pinheiro is a man of practice who has been working in logistics for 30 years.
Since 2017, he has been Managing Director at MM air sea cargo GmbH and is strongly committed to
to optimising customer-related processes and improving employee motivation.

„Customer-centred sales strategies“


Mark Mulder, Director Contract Logistics at P&O Ferrymasters

Mark Mulder has gained experience in several logistics companies since studying Maritime Business Administration in Rotterdam and has been Executive Board Member and Director Contract Logistics at P&O Ferrymasters since 2014. One of his important projects was the optimisation of processes throughout the company.

„Commercial Excellence Roadmap at P&O Ferrymasters“


Around the presentations you will have ample opportunity to network in a pleasant atmosphere.
Use this platform to meet managing directors, sales managers and decision-makers from logistics companies.

Would you like an exclusive consultation on LOGO CRM?
Secure one of the „Early-Bird One-on-One“ sessions with LOGO Managing Directors Jörg Veit or Dorothee Gabor on the morning of 28 June 2018.
Would you like a free CRM workshop for your super users on 27.6.2018?
Register quickly, places are limited.


Click here to register for the Logistics CRM Summit


Of course you can also simply send an e-mail to info@www.logo-consult.com or LOGO consult
by calling +49 8151 746 736 and registering.

We look forward to welcoming you to castle Höhenried!

Jörg Veit und Dorothee Gabor

Boards of Directors LOGO consult AG

LOGO consult AG
Head office
Enzianstrasse 4
82319 Starnberg am See

phone +49 8151 746 736

LOGO consult Public limited company
Seat of the company: Starnberg – Local court München HRB 130739
Chairman of the Supervisory Board: Michael Friedle – Board of Directors: Jörg Veit, Dorothee Gabor

Free online consultation

Your advantages:
  • A fully personalized live demonstration
  • An interactive question and answer session
  • You will receive summarized material to discuss with your stakeholders