Picture of Dorothee Gabor - Managing Director Business Development

Dorothee Gabor - Managing Director Business Development

LOGO CRM is DSGVO compliant

Everyone is talking about the GDPR. Only a few more weeks and the regulation will come into force.

Many companies are now organising how they will handle their customers‘ personal data in the future. This affects logistics companies as well as all other businesses.

Conforming to the GDPR with LOGO CRM

It affects large companies as well as small ones.

They all have to be data protection compliant, whether it’s a 2-man company or a 2000-employee corporation.

The customers of LOGO CRM, the CRM for the logistics industry, can approach the issue a little more relaxed.

LOGO consult already put together a DSGVO toolbox last year.

Logistics CRM from LOGO consult AG is DSGVO-ready!

Opt-in and opt-out processes automated, mailings for data processing consent from within the CRM, channels and topics specifiable, responses automatically stored in contact files, mailing block automatically, information about stored personal data at the touch of a button, processes for deleting data and contacts … with LOGO CRM all this is on board.

Be on the safe side with LOGO CRM

Your CRM doesn’t do that?
Then get in touch with us at info@www.logo-consult.com oder book a free webinar here

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  • A fully personalized live demonstration
  • An interactive question and answer session
  • You will receive summarized material to discuss with your stakeholders