Many entrepreneurs are currently thinking about putting their employees on short-time work. Probably unavoidable in some sectors, but logistics is still humming. And now sales staff take on a special significance.
Sales and customer service are an absolute must, especially in the crisis!
The first fully loaded container ships have just arrived from China. The goods have to leave the ports and be brought to the end customers wherever possible. Where this is not possible, storage capacities are now literally worth their weight in gold. In the next few weeks, the goods have to be distributed in a completely different way than usual in the supply chain.
During this time, it is crucial that you, as a logistics provider, stay in contact with your customers. That you understand exactly where they have problems now and whether you can help solve the problem.
LOGO helps you do that. As of now, we are offering LOGO CRM for free use with LOGO Video Chat to all logisticians.
Don’t send your sales staff to short-time work, just to the home office!
A web-enabled CRM tool also allows teams that are in the home office to optimally design the customer service. Depending on the press releases, the sales manager or the management can set a task or an appointment for the sales staff so that they contact the customer.
And the best way to do that is to have a conversation with a picture AND a sound channel. This has been psychologically proven thousands of times.
Stay in the conversation with professional web tools
LOGO CRM contains an integrated video chat free of charge. LOGO transmits your data particularly securely. You are not cavorting on one of the channels that have now already been criticised since the beginning of the exit restrictions because they are overloaded or not secure.
Read in this article from the sales experts at Miller-Heimann how even in times of social distancing, a changed sales strategy and virtual customer visits keep the pipeline well filled: Redefining Inside Sales: How to protect sales in the face of social distancing
As long as face-to-face meetings are not possible, video chats are the optimal solution
And especially practical: you can send the invitations directly from LOGO and access all CRM contacts. And to make it even easier, you can also document the contact directly in LOGO.
An app is currently being developed that allows you to start a video chat from your tablet or smartphone. With access to the LOGO contacts and direct documentation of the conversation in LOGO. Really simple.
Send your sales teams only to the home office and not to short-time work
Use valuable resources to your company’s advantage. Use your employees‘ knowledge of your customers‘ „pain points“ and get back to them at the perfect time with a solution to a customer problem.
And when your employees are in the home office, they can do research, observe the competition, see which market competitor is closing down completely and see if new business can be generated here. This information, sensibly kept in the CRM, is a great treasure from which a company can derive strategies in a crisis.
Read here how you can benefit from professional CRM even in times of pandemic:
You will see, this is how you come out of the crisis stronger!
Register with us and use LOGO CRM free of charge. Or if you are already a LOGO customer, give us a call and we will activate the video chat for you permanently free of charge. All you need is a quick update to your LOGO CRM.
LOGO is there for you and accompanies you in these difficult times!