Logistics innovation made in Austria
Every year it is particularly exciting to see which companies are nominated for the Austrian Logistics Award and who the winner is. Particularly innovative solutions in the entire area of the logistics chain are presented and awarded prizes.
Branch meeting on the Danube
All the big names in logistics will meet at the Austrian Logistics Day. Top-class lectures provide insights into the work of numerous logisticians and outlooks on how the logistics world will be shaped in the future.
Several times I have heard a lecture in Linz that sounded like science fiction. And only three years later, a lecture is on the programme in which exactly this idea has been put into practice. It is highly interesting how quickly innovations are currently being implemented and turning the market upside down.
We are already very excited, all information about the event can be found here: vnl.at/de/veranstaltungen/oesterreichischer-logistik-tag/oesterreichischerlogistik-tag2018/